Monday, August 12, 2013

The Lure Of The Golden Circles

The Witch says she only dates men who are married or engaged.
We asked her why.
"They think they have found perfection, and then they meet me. Tell me where is any man going to find any one better than me?" asked the Witch.
"O-kay," we said,"but there are many single men to choose from, so why don't you keep things simple. You hurt no other woman and her children, and if you really like each other you just get married."
She looked at me like I might be an idiot and said,"I don't want to get married right now. I just want that bastard (her ex who was a married man) to know there is no one better than me. Look at how many men and their wives and their children and their parents and their friends and neighbors all believe I am better than all those married women. Here I am, no wedding band on my ring finger. I should have had one 8 years ago."


I think she needs a shrink, not a date and a drink.

                                                                                                        - SDG

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