Monday, September 30, 2013

Has someone in your family lost their keys recently?

The witch has a massive collection of keys.
She has "work keys", about 140 in the bunch.
Then there are the bunches of

"short silvers".
"medium silvers",

"long silvers",

"skeletons" ,

"short brass",
"long brass",
"medium brass"

magnetic keys in a special case for carrying multiple magnets,
and a sledge hammer.

If you ask her how she amassed such a vast collection of keys,
she smiles tenderly, and says softly, "My wonderful family and friends know
I have loved shiny pretty keys since I was a little girl in pigtails knee high
to a grasshopper so they give me their spares."

You believe that???!!!
No seriously, do you?

                                                                                                                                      - SDG

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I Know Where You Live And I know What Car You Drive And I Know Your Kids' Names

Said the witch to her ex-neighbor one day while walking past by her.

                                                                                                                                     - SDG

Friday, September 27, 2013

Past Lives

Once upon a stooge is convinced, based upon how the witch treats subordinates, pushing them into walls, getting in their faces issuing ultimatums, entering their rooms using her master key, cracking a whip, asking them untoward questions about their personal lives and finances, hiring and firing people for the strangest reasons, that she has either been a pimp, or a dominatrix, or been involved in drug or human trafficking at some point in her life.

                                                                                                                                         - SDG

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Turning Door Knobs Around The Neighborhood In The Afternoons And Late Nights

Witches, while other women are watching soaps, will sneak around front and back porches in their neighborhood to see if anyone left their door unlocked.

They don't like to watch soaps.

They like to star in them in villainous roles.

 Someone softly knocked on the neighbor's door and turned the door knob twice.

When asked,"Who is it?" there was the distinct sound of feet scurrying away.

                                                                                                                                     - SDG

Other People's Telephones Are A Witch's Best Friends

This morning, someone called the witch's ex-neighbor and said she received two blank calls or missed calls from her at a certain time.
No one has placed any calls at that time from her phone, or to that number ever.

So what's going on here?

                                                                                                                                          - SDG

The Abu Graib Effect

Once the culture of cruelty has been birthed, it runs it course, unless countermanded by strong and decisive forces.
If the witch is allowed to run amok in society, there will be those who will gladly run with her.
The thrill of power, however evil, is a potent drug.
Think Gulag.
Think Abu Ghraib.
Think Khmer Rouge.
You'll understand.
And you might ask,"Would you electrocute a stranger if Hitler/a witch asked you to?"
So how many volts are you up to?

                                                                                                                                - SDG

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Year Of Heavy Breathing

The phone calls with the heavy breathing kept coming for the next year.
They got a new unlisted phone number.

Their credit card statements went missing.
They got new credit cards.

Not that this was in the ghettos, but it only looked urbane, nice homes, nice yards, but several other homes had been burglarized shortly after their home had been invaded, and things like college certificates, medical books and instruments, computers, tvs, and jewelry were stolen.
They just took it as a sign it was time to leave.
They moved to a nicer part of town.

                                                                                                                           - SDG

A Home Invasion And A Phone Call

Two weeks after the witch's neighbors found a bullet hole through their mailbox, while they were both at work, some one called the lady from their landline at home  and breathed heavily into the phone while saying nothing.
It freaked her out and she called her husband right away.
He was perplexed so he reported it to the police and drove home.
When he got there the police were there, and they had not found any sign of a forced entry so they waited for him to get there and let them in.
5 things had been stolen - a painting, their two framed college degrees, and family heirlooms - an antique sapphire and diamond ring, and an antique sterling silver menorah.
The phone company was called, and indeed a call had been placed from their landline to their cell phone an hour earlier, but no one knew how since there had been no forced entry, and no doors or windows were unlocked.
Their bank statement was taped to their microwave.

                                                                                                                       -  SDG

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Mark Of A True Psychopath

Someone the witch hates is sick, very sick.
The kids often wear crumpled and mismatched clothes these days.
The cars are unwashed, and they've always had very clean cars
There's dog poop all over the yard, and theirs used to be picture perfect
Kids' faces are wan, little girl's pigtails are uneven, boy's in trouble at school.

The witch is L.O.V.I.N.G. it, feeding off their sadness and confusion.

When the witch is gone a week or two visiting friends out of town, traveling solo, her household runs very smoothly. Her husband can do it all.
She says she hates to cook so he cooks. She never goes grocery shopping coz it's so hard to tell a rotten tomato from a fresh tomato. She never does laundry as her husband is fastidious about the laundry and he lives to wash and fold. She never vacuums as her gynecologist told her it ruins the womanly parts. She never washes cars as washing cars is a man's job. She never gardens coz he has the only green thumb in the family. And did I mention her boyfriend does the dishes and cuts her grass ...
                                                                                                                                          - SDG

Saturday, September 21, 2013

She's All Eyes and Ears

hehehehehe ... So you still think the witch is a good guesser.
You still actually believe she has incredible luck with knowing exactly who is eating lunch with whom.
You're so sweet.
Earlier, she used to do this the old fashioned way, hanging outside  people's doors.
Now she invests in spy gadgets.
She has one planted in your office room.
She sits in the "control room" when clients come calling at your office and listens in.
She even follows your clients to their next stop, be it home, or office, or another meeting, when they leave your office.
If they have a baby monitor at home she already knows them and their families intimately.
Find a new job.
Or get used to this.
That choice is yours.
Good luck !
                                                                                                                                       - SDG

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This is a 3rd millenium witch in a posh suburb of a metropolis

I can see why she generates such fear in the community.
She had an altercation with a neighbor some 11 yrs ago over a little something of hers that had been delivered to her neighbors by mistake.
They found a bullet hole through their mail box the next day.
                                                                                                                                   - SDG

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Is No News Good News ?

She has been laying low.

                                                                                                                             - SDG

Sunday, September 8, 2013


The only people who fully understand that happiness is a prerequisite for success and for good health are witches.
If a witch can make you unhappy she will.
So now she owns your mind, your body, your future.

                                                                                                                                         - SDG

Friday, September 6, 2013


Once upon a stooge was trying to explain to the witch how hating your neighbors is not okay.
Being jealous is not okay.
"Your children grew up together for 10 whole years.
It will only lead to a Mahabharat where the entire war is between friends and neighbors, who make up an extended family.
What sense does that make?
Love thy neighbor!"
The witch hung up without a word.

                                                                                                                                                     - SDG


Witch's old neighbor is sick, and the witch is ecstatic.
From 2000 miles away, she says,"Woo hoooo! Is that how you feel? hehehe"
Evil has such a hold on this woman.
                                                                                                                                           - SDG

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Billi nau sau chuhe kha ke hajj ko chali

This new statement is making waves in the community.
I seem to be the only one who has hope.
Most people are like,"We'll see..."
                                                                                                                                            - SDG


Witch landed in a new town and has her next pilgrimage planned for the weekend already.
She does say she wants to turn over a new leaf.
That would be such a blessing if it really does happen.
Wishing her luck.
                                                                                                                             - SDG

There was once a girl and her shrink who were so ugly, every one died

There has been much rejoicing by the ex co-worker and her counselor at the departure of the witch but they are both experiencing the late blooming symptoms of PTSD, chiefly illusions of grandeur and revenge fantasies.
Some one suggested they file a law suit against her. They have enough evidence.
Both went,"Oh nooooo, we might be the dynamic duo, but we are going up against the triple threat of prostitution, bribery, and blackmail. She will win. Besides, we're ugly."

                                                                                                                                    - SDG

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Gene Expression

If you are not functioning at your highest potential you are probably standing too close to a witch.
                                                                                                                                                     - SDG

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Much Mirth!

Once upon a stooge wants to know exactly which points on the witch's farewell speech I fell for ...hahahaha...

                                                                                                                                             - SDG

Surprising Move

We can all stop worrying about the ex co-worker as the Witch put in her resignation and put her home and car up for sale. She says she got a manager's position out of state, is buying a mercedes, is going up a few hundred square feet on the home, and is all ready for an exciting new chapter in her life.

                                                                                                                                            - SDG

Monday, September 2, 2013

Honey Traps and Romeos

The witch just hired two young people, both attractive, not terribly well-read, obedient, and completely aware of exactly what is expected of them.
                                                                                                                                               - SDG

Sunday, September 1, 2013

"Happy Holidays," sang the witch

Point to ponder.

Once upon a stooge says the witch has a wall covered with calendars in her cellar.

She has one for her spouse, one for each offspring, one for each of her stooges, and one for each person she has decided to take down.

Their birthdays and other anniversaries are marked on each one of them.

She makes sure every one of them has a lousy birthday, and equally lousy holidays.

Check the dates on every major catastrophe in the lives she has destroyed.

And nobody knows where her husband's at, the last two weeks.

                                                                                                                               - SDG

"She brought it upon herself."

The witch harms people.
When they are hurting she says,"He/She brought it upon herself."

                                                                                                                                           - SDG

Trauma Specialist

Witches know this - If you can be conned once, you can be conned umpteen times.
And so the witch and her allies piled on the trauma on the co-worker one mishap at a time.
The PTSD this woman suffers is their joy.
Imagine that!
They joke about her panic attacks. 

                                                                                                                                  - SDG

Hare Rama Hare Krishna Rama Rama Hare Hare

Here we go again.
The witch has gone on pilgrimage, yet again.
She took her nephew and niece and BIL and SIL along for the ride and ditched them by the wayside 100 miles away from the holy site at 10:30 in the night.
They ended up taking a room in a wayside motel for the night and are renting a car tomorrow to get there.
People never change.
People never learn.
I wonder what the Almighty thinks of this.
                                                                                                                                  - SDG