Saturday, September 21, 2013

She's All Eyes and Ears

hehehehehe ... So you still think the witch is a good guesser.
You still actually believe she has incredible luck with knowing exactly who is eating lunch with whom.
You're so sweet.
Earlier, she used to do this the old fashioned way, hanging outside  people's doors.
Now she invests in spy gadgets.
She has one planted in your office room.
She sits in the "control room" when clients come calling at your office and listens in.
She even follows your clients to their next stop, be it home, or office, or another meeting, when they leave your office.
If they have a baby monitor at home she already knows them and their families intimately.
Find a new job.
Or get used to this.
That choice is yours.
Good luck !
                                                                                                                                       - SDG

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