Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Brahmin Bordello

Eugenics has a new proponent.
She runs a bordello and has developed a long list of exclusively brahmin clientel.
Her "women of the night", however, are not all brahmin.
She caters to men's taste for the forbidden and the exotic, so there are little boys, little girls, the animals, the aboriginals, the outcasts, the maimed, the aged, all chattel to her, in addition to her line up of brahmin wombs.
She hopes to breed the perfect brahmin heir to her bordello.
Her favorite client is shooting blanks so she's looking for a new and viable brahmin donor.
It is time to set the sex slaves free.
But they know nothing and have nothing beyond this life.
Rehabilitation will be a long ordeal for them.
Will the good people on this planet please do something gutsy for once and not quit halfway.

                                                                                                                         - SDG

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