Sunday, August 25, 2013

Note to Mrs. Witch's Boss

Yo, Mrs. Witch's Boss, Nice to connect with you. I hear you are a very smart and very dignified individual.
I hear you've been busy dismantling nuclear warheads at your desk 8-7 every day.
Look under your chair will ya.
The witch left you a little gift there.
It was meant to be a surprise.
Handle with care.
Proceed with caution.
It is a crude bomb, something you might not even recognize since your expertise is in the fields of dismantling nuclear warheads, and of bringing about peace.
You're sharp. You'll figure out the circuitry soon enough.
Disengage a stick of dynamite and give it to the witch will ya.
Sooner or later she will put it where it belongs and blast herself off to which ever universe she came from.
She can't help but do that.

                                                                                                               - SDG

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