Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pati, patni, aur woh...

~ When the witch slept with her husband's boss, he felt like she became his boss and had dominion over him.

~ When the witch slept with the young school boy next door, he began to see her as young and energetic.

~ When the witch slept with her ex, he began to see their love story as the only fairy tale in the world.

~ When the witch slept with that rich old dude, he began to see her as the source of his wealth.

~ When the witch slept with the football player, he began to see her as athletically more gifted than himself.

~ When the witch slept with his best friend, he began to see her as his best friend.

~ So now he has a prize for a wife. In an effort to keep his prize he is deriding his mother, his sisters, his daughter, his nieces, his neighbor's daughters, saying they are a bunch of whores.

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