Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Paying It Forward in Witchville

The Witch was raped as a child by someone she never knew on her way to school when she was barely six. It is a very sad fact of her life. It has left her scarred badly. Some how or another she has succumbed to the  notion that if she were to bathe in the sacrificial blood of children she would be healed.
So now, she actively looks for children who can be put in harm's way and has found a network of like-minded souls who are willing to support her in her quest. Some of them have similar back stories, some are pure evil. I like to mention to her that Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, and countless other beautiful souls have had this happen to them and look at how they turned out. Her face glazes over when I say that, and her jaw tightens, and her eyes turn weird
She refuses to see a psychiatrist.
She says she is meditating and that's more than any shrink will do for her.

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