Saturday, October 19, 2013


In her extreme hubris born of her belief that she is superior to all the rest of God's creation, the witch hadn't realized in all her 39 years that her exchanging her pussy for a favor is prostitution.
She does it all the time. She does it most often to "win" a contract or to edge out competition. She says she has never done it for money, except the one time her husband asked her to help him get a bonus at work, romancing the boss's boss. He bought her a diamond bracelet with the spoils.
If a man (not her husband now) has a piece of information, or a document, or jurisdiction over something she desires, she says she gives him what he desires to get what she desires. She says it is a "fair trade". She calls it "plain old horse sense". She says a hooker is someone who wears brightly colored clothing and heavy makeup and stands on certain street corners looking for paying customers.
She said to me, "Oh well, you did the same for 21 years. You were married. It is the same thing. You had a house. You got what you wanted. I get what I want. It is pure logic. There is no difference between you and me."
But by the end of her little speech she looked a little unsure of herself.

                                                                                                                                       - SDG

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