Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Evil Is That?

This woman is never up to any good, despite her benign and seemingly "helpful" job title.
She found out that this nuclear family just split into two, the Dad leaving for Wisconsin, as the pressures of raising two kids, one with a learning disability, and the other undergoing chemotherapy, are too much for him. His parents are in Wisconsin, and now he's met a woman online who lives in Michigan who he says is his "soul mate."
The witch has spent the entire Friday evening, and all of Saturday getting in touch with this family's friends and being giddy with excitement. She said she would gladly buy all their Italian furniture and fancy drapery, their BMW, and golf cart, as they won't need them any more. Through a common friend she offered them 20% of the current market price for said items She said she wants to help.

                                                                                                                                     - SDG

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