Monday, April 29, 2013

Oversharing Witch shares again, in spadefuls

Witch was drunk as a skunk. She says her husband hasn't touched her in months and it is getting to her.
"Is he having an affair?" some one asked.
"Humphhh..," she said and waved that away.
"Is he sick. Does he need to see a doctor?"
"I doubt it."
There was a pregnant pause and the witch began to sob quietly.
She said,"My mother misled me. She said all men are bisexual. I paid a huge price for believing that. I told my husband I used to play 'doctor' with my cousin M when we were kids and we did again at S's wedding and now he thinks I am a freak. I thought he would understand.
"Did you tell him when you began to date that you are bisexual?"
"Come on, who does that???"
"Something as important as sexual orientation needs to be disclosed before a commitment is made, don't you think???"

                                                                                            - SDG

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