Sunday, January 4, 2015


What is it with heroes and their years of wandering through the world?
Not all journeys were made by choice.
Sometimes it was an exile of sorts.
Moses, Alexander, Odysseus, Hercules, and all the rest of them  ....
While wandering, there were witches they had to contend with.
Some were obviously evil, like Medusa.
Some were sirens.
Some were mythic creatures, bugaboos of the mind.
I do believe I know a couple of guys who are currently stranded on the isle of the Amazons,
 one stuck in endless negotiations with Circe,
 another dealing with Mantara's forays into his village,
 one charmed out of his wits by a mermaid,
 one turned to stone by a Medusa.

Round trips around the globe come at a steep, steep price.

                                                                                                  - SDG

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