Monday, December 23, 2013

Why The Witch's Neighbor's Kids Don't Believe In God Anymore

The Witch has taken it upon herself to make her neighbors' lives a living Hell.
She had told them she would do just so the second time she met them, years ago, but everybody else in the neighborhood said to ignore that threat and went on with their lives like nothing had happened. Ignoring the witch only seems to have made her more aggressive in her efforts to hurt the neighbors, perhaps as she thinks they are stupid, or too vulnerable to retaliate. She is seeking engagement, and those who have been asked to intervene suggest ignoring her will make her go away. It hasn't worked in all these years so one wonders if it ever will.
Two years ago she gift-wrapped two little boxes filled with coal and left them at her neighbor's doorstep with the kids' names on them for a joke.
On Valentine's Day last year she sent them "I hate you" cards in pink envelopes signed in fictitious names.
For Halloween it was some mean trick again.
She 'lost' the kids' backpacks one year when they were in kindergarten and 1st grade when she offered to pick them up from school 'helping' their sick Mom.
Over the years the Witch has gotten a better job, bought a bigger house in the same neighborhood, a fancier car,  while her neighbors remain in survival mode as the Witch sabotages their lives ever so often. She always visits to feed off their sadness when one of her actions has succeeded in wounding them.
Over the years the neighbor's kids have begun to wonder who the smart one really is, the Witch, or their family.
They've stopped believing in God, family, etc etc as it makes no sense anymore when vandals who ravage their lives live so much better, while they suffer every time they crawl an inch toward some small success in their little lives.

                                                                                                                             - SDG                                  

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